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[as] / Sitemap
Blog Posts
- Year in Review: My Favorite 2024 Photos
- Joyful Holidays and a Happy New Year 2025!
- New Version Alert: OpenAI Explorer 2.5 and Sketchfab Uploader 2.9
- New Version Alert: OpenAI Explorer 2.4
- AI Vision is Now Possible in SketchUp with OpenAI Explorer 2.3
- Structural Analysis (in Education) with VisualAnalysis
- Year In Review: 2023 In (My) Photos
- Joyful Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year 2024!
- OpenAI Explorer 2.0 Released
- OpenAI Explorer SketchUp extension now uses Chat Completion API
- Just Released: Third Edition of “Architectural Design with SketchUp”
- Joyful Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year 2023!
- Fundamentals of Residential Construction, 5th Edition is Here!
- New Extension Feature: Randomly Erase Objects
- Joyful Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year 2022!
- Introducing my new web-project: A construction mockups archive
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy (and Much Better) New Year 2021!
- Just Added Features and Squashed Bugs
- My Second New Extension This Week: Scale By Tools
- My New SketchUp Extension is Out: Random Tools
- Creating better in-text ads with jQuery
- SketchUp Ruby Code Editor updated to v. 4.3
- My SketchUp extensions are once again up to date
- How to Correctly Create and Use PDFs
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2020!
- Discussing MassTimber and the Olver Design Building on MassConstruction’s Podcast
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2019!
- Sketchfab Uploader now allows for re-uploading
- Mirror, mirror…
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2018!
- False Color @ UMass
- Unwrapping SketchUp extension updated to 2.4 with coloring option
- SketchUp Ruby Code Editor 4.0 is now available!
- Unwrapping and unfolding correctly in SketchUp
- My new book is out! Schreyer authors fourth edition of ‘Fundamentals of Residential Construction’.
- Dryer fix made easy with 3D printing
- Sketchfab Uploader and SketchUp News extensions updated (again)
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2017!
- How much abuse can Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) take?
- My [as] website is 10 years old today!
- Sketchfab uploader extension v. 2.3 is now available
- View UMass’ growth 1984-now in Google Earth’s Timelapse
- Opening of T3 building continues recent mass timber building trend: Six examples
- SketchUp 2017 is out. And it’s looking great!
- Support Hillary with a Website Bumper Sticker
- Ciao! My SketchUp book is now available in Italian
- 2016 Trimble SketchUp 3D Basecamp Recap Posted
- Unwrapped Orange
- Place Shapes with Units
- My SketchUp News Extension just got prettier
- Adventures in 3D Printing at UMass Amherst
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2016!
- Upgrading our Bath Fan Light – for Under $25
- What’s new in SketchUp 2016?
- Second edition of “Architectural Design with SketchUp” is now available!
- Second Edition of “Architectural Design with SketchUp” is almost here!
- 3D Warehouse’s New 3D Printing Features
- Building a Wood-Concrete Composite Bench with CLTs
- Just playing with some blocks…
- Unwrap and Flatten Faces Extension/Plugin Updated
- Merry Christmas, Joyful Holidays, and a Happy New Year 2015!
- Amazing SketchUp Timber Frame Modeling
- SketchUp 2015 is out! What’s New?
- Interesting paper: “Comparison of life cycle assessment databases: A case study on building assessment”
- How Feasible is Tall Wood?
- “Urban Timber” Exhibit at the BSA Showcases Contemporary Wood Architecture
- SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2014 Recap
- I just updated all my SketchUp plugins!
- What’s New in SketchUp 2014? Better Ruby, for Example!
- New SketchUp Plugin: Flatten Faces
- Perfecting the SketchUp to LayOut workflow just got easier
- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2014!
- SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2014 Announced!
- Favorite Places mapping web app is now open source
- You can now use SketchUp with Allen/Iano’s Fundamentals of Building Construction book
- SOM gets on Board with Tall Wood
- WebGL works again on Android 4.3! Yay!
- Oh no, what happened to Google Maps???
- Trimble announces the SketchUp Visiting Professionals Program for Higher Education
- SketchUp 2013 is out!
- Read your SketchUp news right inside SketchUp
- Ruby Code Editor updated to version 3.0
- 2013 US Wood Design Award Winners
- Fire-resistance of Cross-Laminated Timber
- Improve your WebGL models on Sketchfab with the new material editor
- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2013!
- Sketchfab uploader plugin updated to v.1.4
- My SketchUp Book is Out!
- How can you turn yourself into a vase?
- Analyze this! Creating geometry for structural analysis in SketchUp
- Support Barack Obama with a Website Bumper Sticker!
- Sawing Pattern as Art in Wood
- 2012 SketchUp 3D Basecamp Recap
- SketchUp 3D Basecamp, here I come!
- Limit BuddyPress registration by domain
- Maker Faire 2012 was a blast!
- SketchUp + LayOut for timber framing
- Wood design at the Oktoberfest
- Why would you want a wooden house?
- Who’s got the best aerial photos: Google, Bing or Esri?
- I Vote Using Adsense!
- 10-Story CLT Buiding in Melbourne, Australia
- Ted Lott’s wood-framed house model artworks
- Power tools for wood construction
- SketchUp gets a face-lift!
- Intergrain Timber Vision Awards 2012
- Hacking COLLADA to add reflectivity
- That Was (Semi-)Easy: Creating a Book Index From PDF Page Proofs
- Unusual structures in Cross-Laminated-Timber (CLT)
- Putting SketchUp models on the web – with
- At the Massachusetts coast
- A hot house
- SimFonIA Animation Tools plugin released
- Soccer in front of the White House
- HygroScope – Climate-responsive artwork in wood
- More from Google: 3D Warehouse changes
- Update now to SketchUp 8 Maintenance Release 3
- “Years” – Artwork by Bartholomäus Traubeck
- “Favorite Places” presented at NEARC Spring Conference 2012
- Interview with Hermann Kaufmann on Architecture in the Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg, Austria
- Using robots.txt to your advantage to reduce server load
- Google SketchUp sold to Trimble
- The 2012 U.S. Wood Awards
- What’s new in Autodesk Revit 2013?
- How tall can we build in wood?
- Thank You, Wood!
- Project #22 in the Daddy Handbook: A Catapult
- iPad 3 Photography
- 2012 BC Wood Design Awards
- Barns in the Pioneer Valley
- Multifamily CLT-Building Completed in Quebec
- What’s Your Favorite Place at UMass?
- APA Publishes Advanced Framing Construction Guide
- Old Ironsides
- My Students Model Amherst College in 3D
- More Greenery in the House
- Wooden Blocks, Supersized
- Turner Construction uses my Ruby Code Editor Plugin!
- A Green Mac
- Exciting News: New Standard for Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Approved by ANSI
- Creating an RBZ Plugin for SketchUp
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012!
- Melting wood
- Wood – nature’s stroke of genius
- Maintenance update (M2) for SketchUp 8 released
- How long does it take to grow a hotel?
- Videos of the October Snowstorm
- The beauty of the snowstorm
- A bad year for trees around here
- New Book: “Towards a Culture of Wood Architecture”
- Creating a KML file from MySQL data with PHP
- 2011 Wood Structures Symposium: Only 10 days left for early registration!
- Let’s try weekly tweet summaries instead
- My presentations at the Google Geo User Summit 2011 United States
- 2011 Google Geo User Summit Recap
- 2011 Wood Structures Symposium
- Like wood? Follow @timberengineer!
- Osama’s house in 3D
- USDA says Go Wood!
- New Features in Revit 2012
- APA creates App – Get your wood products references on the iPhone
- QR codes everywhere!
- Rendering in SketchUp – a Video Overview
- Happy Valentine’s day!
- Dealing with winter in New England
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011!
- Spoon-fed CAD
- Introducing mini-Revit with an added cool-factor: Project Vasari
- Most popular SketchUp plugins – 2010 Update
- How to move your old static HTML website to WordPress (or just start a new one)
- Construction “drawings”
- What’s in SketchUp 9? Maybe better plugin management?
- New SketchUp E-Books: Visualization, Woodworking and Programming
- Wisdom as determined by Google Scribe
- My WordPress Post Revisions Problem
- SketchUp 8 is out
- WCTE 2010 Mini-Recap
- Updated specs for plywood and glulam available
- Soccer shirts – made with SketchUp
- Wood Design Photo Series: Austria Passive House Whistler
- Collaborating with the Butterfly
- Why can’t everything be like Ecotect?
- Go to Europe for wood
- Wood Design & Building Magazine Online
- SketchUp Ruby Editor updated to v.1.2
- New Revit 2011 Features
- SketchUp script clips #2: Creating geometry
- SketchUp script clips #1: Setup and basic ideas
- Ruby Code Editor Updated to Version 1.1
- A lightweight WordPress page
- My Newest Plugin: A Shiny Ruby Code Editor for SketchUp
- AutoCAD on the web: Project Butterfly
- The Third & the Seventh
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010
- Liquid Page – A bookmarklet to rearrange webpages
- Follow me!
- Wood Design Award 2008-09 book is available
- Awards, awards! The 2009 Wood Awards season is here
- Fall Harvest
- Web-Based Application trials from Autodesk – A Great Idea!
- SketchUp Ruby API Cheatsheet
- SketchUp 7.1 has landed!
- Numbering vertices in SketchUp
- Commentary: Dangerous Biking in Amherst
- Summer is over!
- Autodesk sells something for $2.99! SketchBook Mobile for the iPhone/iPod Touch
- Hot 3D (SketchUp) models
- SketchUp to Revit to Solar Study
- Revit’s solar study has evolved!
- SketchUp does MTV (or rather MuchMusic)…
- Shaking the house
- Optimizing Google
- Revit design whitepaper and new 3D Warehouse rules
- Swiss Wood Awards 2009
- FYI: Save some cash on SketchUp Pro
- My semi-annual computer cleanup (a to-do list for everyone else)
- Running multiple sites on shared hosting (with some DNS and HTACCESS magic)
- German Wood Awards 2009
- Ambient Occlusion Rendering in Revit
- Newsy SketchUp
- The Old Man of Wood
- Kerkythea and Indigo become commercial renderers
- Getting ready for 2010 in the Autodesk world
- Shells and tension structures
- Lose job, get CAD
- Curtain walls in wood
- Twisted SketchUp
- A hot cuppa joe
- Weekly (or so) CAD roundup
- Drawing a freewheeling dragonfly in the showroom – An Autodesk Labs roundup
- Push-Pull This: World Builder Video
- Typical Types and Others
- New SketchUp Plugin: Plugin Loader
- Welcome to the Studio
- Say Something!
- Some SketchUp Crumbs
- Get maintenance for SketchUp
- Making CAD output personal
- Playing with birds in the cloud
- The new Revit (2010, that is)
- Drafting, anyone? IMSI’s free DoubleCAD may be a good pick.
- Ready-to-eat Revit families
- Realistic or sketchy, hmmm…?
- Free ‘hopper manual published
- Learn more about wood! starts free webinar series
- Wood CAD Chips #1: SketchUp for Woodworking
- SketchUp News Roundup
- A New Look
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2009!
- Chinese Temple Reconstruction
- Sell your Revit stuff!
- Gesturing with SketchUp on a Tablet PC
- SketchUp 7 is here!
- Visualizing Data with SketchUp
- What’s new about wood?
- Now where did I put that generic countertop and sink assembly with backsplash?
- Wood Design Award 2008 Call For Entries
- Building Big Arches
- Get 3D Everywhere!
- Grasshopper 0.5 released – with scripting!
- SketchUp Plugin: Centroid and Area Properties
- How to BIMify SketchUp: Collaborative editing works for building programming, too!
- 3D Warehouse Grows up: Collaborative Design with SketchUp
- Say goodbye to the old mountain hut
- A house made of pallets
- New Wood Design Software Options Coming Up
- Another SketchUp Renderer Available for Free: IDX Renditioner
- My New Photoblog is Up!
- A Postcard for the Wood Structures Symposium 2008
- And there is SketchUp #2: The Free TrueSpace by Caligari
- Everything is Data
- Richmond Olympic Oval Design
- Wood Design Photo Series: Brentwood Skytrain Station
- Gone Shoppin’…
- When Wii Met SketchUp
- IFC 2×4 Alpha Release has been Published for Comments
- Wordle-ing around…
- Hopping with a Rhino
- Explorations in the Infrared Spectrum
- Wood Structures Conference Announcements
- Exam Week
- Sustainability vs. Homeland Security
- 3D to 2D: Getting Images out of CAD Software
- Beans gone wild…
- Schlepp your Verklempt Tollpatsch through the Dreck
- “Building a 3D World” – Using SketchUp for Presentations
- Reducing SketchUp File Sizes for Google Earth
- EnergyPlus for SketchUp
- Wood Design Photo Series: Peek & Cloppenburg Cologne
- A House for 8,054 US-$
- Most Popular SketchUp Plugins
- AutoCAD Extreme Makeover
- Wood Design Photo Series: Lynn Canyon Café and Ranger Station
- Wood Conferences Updated
- Autodesk Polishes its Green Thumb
- There’s a new Kerkythea in Town
- It’s history repeating…
- A snow monster
- ‘Tis the Season for Hats
- Nice match: Carbon neutral design with Revit and GBS!
- Green Design Using SketchUp
- I build with wood, don’t you?
- Traces of Time
- Put some Carbon Dioxide into your Baby’s Crib
- Watching Baby Beluga
- Digitized Construction
- Driftwood
- A $200 Umbrella!!!
- A new category!
- Tent time
- no4card – UMass honors Andrew Card
- And the German winners are…
- Wood Design Awards Books Available Free
- AVA (America’s Virtual Architecture) and high-speed SketchUpping
- The timber-Google-web
- The buds of Spring
- Panoramissimo!!!
- Rendering SketchUp models with Kerkythea
- To all visitors
- After Sushi
- Wow, Sweet(s) 3D Warehouse!
- Oh, the newbies…
- mouseDown();
- Clapboard
- Frozen beauty 2
- Where are my AutoCAD settings???
- Frozen Beauty
- Winter is finally here…
- Ah, there it is: SketchUp 6
- Welcome!
- Inserting Holidays/Events Into Outlook
- Old News
- Monthly Image in PHP
- New & Old Website