They grow up so fast, don’t they?
As you may have noticed, I have completely redesigned my site. The older design – while nice – wasn’t a responsive design. It also wasn’t as flexible in terms of content placement as I would have liked it to be. So I completely overhauled it. The new design is also based on the excellent (bare-bones) Underscores framework for WordPress. While it seemed to be a bit convoluted at first, I quickly noticed how well-written that code actually was and how fast I could get my new design up and running.
So – long story short – below (and all around this text) is the new design. I hope you like it.

While updating all the content on this site, I noticed that I started using WordPress exactly ten years ago. As you can see in the first post on this site (link is below), I switched to WordPress in 2006 and haven’t regretted it since. I believe it is – by far – the best web hosting platform out there. And it is getting better with each release and every new plugin that is being written for it.
In case you are interested, the images below illustrate the development of this site:

Want to know how it all started?
I actually ran a basic HTML-based site since my studies at UBC. Here is my first Geocities (remember that?) website from 2001: