I have placed ads on my sites in various ways (and locations) now. With all those attempts, I tried to avoid overly intrusive ads and wanted to always clearly mark an ad as such. What I have currently implemented actually fulfills that nicely in my view. My ads follow these principles: Ad areas are underlayed […] Read more..
They grow up so fast, don’t they? As you may have noticed, I have completely redesigned my site. The older design – while nice – wasn’t a responsive design. It also wasn’t as flexible in terms of content placement as I would have liked it to be. So I completely overhauled it. The new design […] Read more..
You have put a yard sign up, you have plastered your car with cool bumper stickers, you may even have bought the woman card. Now what? Well, if you have a blog or website then you should be able to show your support there, too. Introducing: The website bumper sticker! As my friends already know, […] Read more..
I am currently running a few WordPress installations with the great BuddyPress plugin. If you don’t know this plugin yet: you can create your own social network using this plugin. For example, it is possible to add groups, forums, membership, and even “@” commenting and discussions (like Twitter). Pretty nifty, really. One thing that stumped me […] Read more..
I was reasonably shocked in 2012 when I saw an “Elect Romney” ad on my own website. As you might know by now, I am clearly not in their camp! Yet their ad showed up on my site. Even worse: in 2016, Trump showed up on my site because I had forgotten to block him. […] Read more..
A little while ago, my hoster (1and1.com) whom I actually like quite a bit, decided that I was using too much of my fair share of the common server and decided to warn me that I was “abusing” the system. They told me that if I didn’t reduce my server load, I would have to […] Read more..
A university of 27,000 students and several thousand more faculty and employees is a very complex environment whose spaces and places are experienced differently by different audiences.
This project sought to request feedback from students, faculty, employees and visitors to UMass about their favorite places on campus. This was done by providing a website that allowed to crowdsource feedback by letting users place a pin at their favorite locations and submit a comment.