Let’s try weekly tweet summaries instead

Okay, enough with the daily single-tweet posts already! I just switched the posting frequency of my twitter-plugin to once per week. That way, if you like to follow my tweets (without being on Twitter yourself), you can find them all in one place and not get annoyed by too many posts. Apologies if that was […] Read more..


How to move your old static HTML website to WordPress (or just start a new one)

I frequently get asked how to set up a small-ish CMS-driven (CMS = Content Management System) website for research groups or other entities. Many of these people have learned that maintaining a static website the “old-fashioned way” (e.g. using Dreamweaver) presents a variety of problems – mainly related to inconsistent content or collaborative editing problems. These issues […] Read more..

Wordpress post revisions

My WordPress Post Revisions Problem

While many functions in WordPress (the self-hosted kind) work like a charm, this one gave me the run-around a few days ago: The auto-saving post revisions that got added to WordPress a few releases back. On our departmental website (http://eco.umass.edu/) that I created in WordPress (works great for this purpose, it’s the “Just-enough CMS!”) we […] Read more..

A lightweight WordPress page

I had read about this trick before but had never had a need to try it out – until now. So here’s a nifty trick for any self-hosted WordPress installation: If you want to add a webpage outside of a WordPress installation that has its own design, yet relies on some of the functions of […] Read more..

Running multiple sites on shared hosting (with some DNS and HTACCESS magic)

I recently had the need to set up several different websites in one (hosted, shared) webspace. While this by itself is trivial there was a catch: I had multiple domains that needed to be DNS forwarded (using CNAME) to this webspace. In essence, the functionality I needed was that once a user goes to one of […] Read more..