Web sites and publications on properties of wood and wood products. Construction methods are also listed here.
The following are website for general engineering materials reference:
- AZoM – On-Line materials information site, supplier and expert directory. (E)
- MatWeb – Searchable materials database, with properties (E)
- Glossary – Carpentry and Joinery Glossary from the UK (E)
Wood Properties
- FPL Publications – A large list of FPL publications related to wood properties, processing and use. Madison, WI, USA (E)
- Informationsdienst Holz – Home of the “Holzbau Handbuch”, a series of publications on wood construction in Germany. Germany (D)
Species, Products & Properties:
- Center for Wood Anatomy Research – Large database for species information, wood identification, properties and uses. USA (E)
- CWC Glossary for Wood – Wood terminology glossary from the Canadian Wood Council. Ottawa, ON, Canada (E,F)
- CWC Wood Products Catalogue – A glossary of engineered wood products. Ottawa, ON, Canada (E,F)
- Hardwood Drying Schedules – FPL information site on wood drying. Madison, WI, USA (E)
- Holzarten – Wood properties by species. Germany (G)
- Holzarten @ HOLZ-TECHNIK.DE – Descriptions of wood species. Germany (G)
- Holzarten in “Wyss & Leuenberger AG” – Wood properties by species. Dornach, Switzerland (G)
- Holzwurm-Page – Descriptions of wood species and Woodworking tools (G)
- Nachwachsende Rohstoffe im Bauwesen – Renewable resources in construction. Germany (G)
- Silvics Manual Volume 2 – Silvicultural information database for North American species (USDA FS). Washington, DC, USA (E)
- WoodBin Reference – Large list of wood species information for woodworkers. USA (E)
- Wood Explorer – Online and CD-ROM database for wood species information. New York, NY, USA (E)
- “Wood Handbook”, FPL-Publication #GTR-113 – The “Wood Handbook” published by the Forest Products Lab in fulltext as PDF on the internet. An excellent online resource for wood properties and timber engineering. Madison, WI, USA (E)
- Wood Links – Large link list to sites with species images and information (E)
- Woods of the World – Online database for wood species information (look under Products-Timber). Bethany Beach, DE, USA (E)
Span Tables:
- AWC Span Tables – US span tables. Washington, DC, USA (E)
- AWC Structural Design Infos – US design values, span tables and design aids. Washington, DC, USA (E)
- CWC Structural Design Infos – Canadian design values, design aids, typical spans for structural systems. Ottawa, ON, Canada (E,F
- Glulam Property Tables (US) – AITC tables for capacities, geometries, beams, columns, three-hinged arches, pitched and curved beams. Centennial, CO, USA (E)
- Guide to Wood Design Information – Literature reference list from McVicker Associates. Half Moon Bay, CA, USA (E)
- Span and connections calculators – Online applications from the American Wood Council. Washington, DC, USA (E)
- Residential Span Tables from McVicker – Collection of span tables. USA (E)
- Southern Pine Span Tables – Structural tables for Southern Pine species. Southern Pine Council. Kenner, LA, USA (E)
- Understanding Loads and Using Span Tables – An article on how to use span tables. Amherst, MA, USA (E)
- Wood Design Information – A blog on design issues by the American Wood Council on technical issues. USA (E)
- “Wood Handbook”, FPL-Publication #GTR-113 – The “Wood Handbook” published by the Forest Products Lab in fulltext as PDF on the internet. An excellent online resource for wood properties and timber engineering. Madison, WI, USA (E)
- Wood Truss Design Data – Design data, span tables for wood trusses. From the Wood Truss Council of America, Madison, WI, USA (E)
- Wood Truss Design Data and Infos – From Alpine, a manufacturer of trusses. Pompano Beach, FL, USA (E)
Construction Methods
- dataholz – German collection of light-frame details (with energy evaluation) (G,E,I)
- Holzbearbeitung mit Handwerkzeugen – Woodworking tools references and some descriptions of carpentry and woodworking techniques. Germany (G,E)
- Holzverbindungen – Classic carpentry connections manufacturing techniques. Germany (G)
- National Wood In Transportation Program – Design and other information on timber bridges. USA (E)
- Timber Bridges: Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance – How to design wood bridges in the US (USDA Wood in Transportation Program). Morgantown, WV, USA (E)
- Wood Durability – Information on wood durability and building envelope issues. Vancouver, BC, Canada (E,F)
- WRL Zimmerer – 3D-models (VRML) of timber connections and structural types. (G)
CAD Details:
The following are links to CAD-details for wood structures. These typically illustrate common construction methods.
- AWC details – Residential, fire-rated floors and walls and common light-frame construction. USA (E)
- CWC details and images – Similar topics, from the Canadian Wood Council. CAN (E)
Language of linked site: G – German, E – English, S – Spanish, P – Portuguese, F – French, I – Italian, H – Hungarian, Nl – Dutch, Fi – Finnish, Sw – Swedish, R – Russian, C – Chinese, J – Japanese, K – Korean
Regarding Links: By using this directory, you agree to the terms of use as explained on the imprint page.