Just some old news for the archive:
What’s New?
- All news will now be posted in the Miscellaneous category. For older news, look at the following:
- I am uploading my publications from now on to lulu.com. This still provides free or low-cost downloads of PDF-files, but more importantly it adds the option of ordering a printed copy at a very reasonable price. (14.9.2006)
- Oh, the discussion forum… Not working well. I either get too much spam or it won’t allow anyone to register. I’ll get rid of it soon and replace it by the heavily demanded helpfile for the GA software. (14.9.2006)
- Since I offer some software for free and with only limited help files in my “Projects” section, I thought adding a discussion forum would benefit users. It is now up and running and available here. Let’s see how it works out. (10.3.2006)
- From now on, the homepage background and the top image on every page are date-dependent. I hope you like the monthly change of the visuals. (20.1.2006)
- I finally got around to implementing a new color scheme. Here it is: (16.11.2005)
9b8577 ddceaa fff6f0 aadddd - Improved the link submission for the Timber Engineering pages. (5.11.2004)
- I am back! Sorry for the downtime. The website was off the air from 3.11.2004 15:00 GMT to 5.11.2004 6:00 GMT due to a change of webspace providers. I went from 1&1.de to strato.de. The features and the price were better. Let’s see how it works out. (5.11.2004)
- Added some more sidebar pictures (like the one on the left). (16.8.2004)
- Finally moved the timber engineering reference pages from my old site (www.geocities.com/alexschreyer/eng/wood.htm) to here. I also cleaned it up. Further enhancements will come over the summer. (30.5.2004)
- Added some more projects. (3.11.2003)
- Changed color scheme a bit for readability. (1.11.2003)
- You can track the progress of my personal sites at the Web Archive: