APA, the organization that deals with engineered wood products has recently published updated versions of their product specifications on structural plywood and glulam. Following is their announcement and below is a link where you can download the documents for free.
The new Voluntary Product Standard, PS 1-09 Structural Plywood, provides expanded and updated national standard requirements for producing, marketing, and specifying plywood for construction and industrial uses. Included in this version are revisions which address thickness and labeling in order to comply with national labeling requirements. Advisory appendices dealing with labeling requirements, green building attributes and formaldehyde have also been added.
This brochure replaces Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-07 Structural Plywood, and is available in two sizes. The standard version, Voluntary Product Standard, PS 1-09 Structural Plywood, Form L870 contains 72, 8-1/2 x 11 pages and is available for purchase for $4. It is also available as a free downloadable PDF.
The condensed pocket guide version, Voluntary Product Standard, PS 1-09 Structural Plywood Pocket Guide (with Typical APA Trademarks), Form L875, contains 88, 3-3/4 x 6-1/2 pages which provide excerpts from the larger version. It is only available in printed form and will be available for purchase for $4 later this month.
PRG-305, Performance Standard for APA EWS Stock Glulam Beams is the newly released standard which provides design properties for APA EWS performance-rated stock glulam beams used in residential or commercial floor and roof construction. Includes terminology, manufacturing considerations, design properties, load/span tables and qualification requirements. Issued May 2010, this publication is available only as a downloadable PDF. Form PRG-305, 19 pages.