I have just released version 2.4 of my OpenAI Explorer (Experimental) SketchUp extension. This version features some smaller fixes of which the thumbnail that gets shown with the prompt (see image above) may be the most apparent one. Here is the complete list of changes:
- Version 2.4 (7/1/2024):
– Now renders bold text and code visually in responses
– Better response handling
– Dialog now always opens centered
– Dialog now includes thumbnail if it was submitted with the prompt.
As before, you can download the extension from my site or from the SketchUcation PluginStore. I am still waiting for AI extensions like it to be allowed into the Extension Warehouse, which is why it’s not there yet.
Did you create something cool with this extension? Let me know in the comments.
I have created several video tutorials for this extension and you can find them all in the following playlist: