[as] / Projects / Timber Engineering Dictionary / Wörterbuch Holzbau (German, English) / Timber Engineering Dictionary: N (English-German)
nail | Nagel |
nail point | Nagelspitze |
natural period | Eigenfrequenz |
nature of failure | Versagensart |
negligible | venachlässigbar |
net | netto |
neutral axis | neutrale Achse |
nominal size | Nennmaß |
nominal thickness | Nominaldicke |
nondestructive | nichtzerstörend |
normal distribution | Normalverteilung |
normal stress | Normalspannung |
normal to | normal zu |
normal to | senkrecht auf |
notch | Ausklinkung |
nowadays | heutzutage |
nut | Mutter |
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