My Second New Extension This Week: Scale By Tools

My second new SketchUp extension that is being released this week also combines various Ruby Scripts that I had laying around or that were in my book, Architectural Design with SketchUp. It makes those more accessible to everyone and should lead to some really beautiful designs. This time the extension has to do with transforming […] Read more..

My New SketchUp Extension is Out: Random Tools

Ever wanted to place large swaths of randomly-arranged grass in SketchUp as shown in the image above? Have you been frustrated by textures that repeat a bit too much on copied wood boards? Do I have an extension for you… I just released a new extension, Random Tools, which is a combination of various Ruby […] Read more..

SketchUp Ruby Code Editor updated to v. 4.3

As part of my recent effort to update all my SketchUp extensions, I also went through the lines of code that make up my Ruby Code Editor extension and gave it an overhaul. Besides some bug fixes, there are also new features that I will be highlighting in this post. You can also watch an […] Read more..

Sketchfab Uploader now allows for re-uploading

I just updated my Sketchfab Uploader extension for SketchUp to version 2.5.1. This comes with several smaller fixes but one big change: Now you can re-upload models, and any changes you make in Sketchfab’s 3D editor (e.g. to materials, lights, the rendering environment, etc.) are preserved. Also, models are now uploaded as draft (and not […] Read more..

SketchUp Ruby Code Editor 4.0 is now available!

My SketchUp extension Ruby Code Editor held a top spot on my to-do list for quite a while… until now. I finally got around to giving the code a major overhaul and can now proudly announce that version 4.0 has just been released. If you are a seasoned coder or a newbie just wanting to […] Read more..