My New SketchUp Extension is Out: Random Tools

Ever wanted to place large swaths of randomly-arranged grass in SketchUp as shown in the image above? Have you been frustrated by textures that repeat a bit too much on copied wood boards? Do I have an extension for you… I just released a new extension, Random Tools, which is a combination of various Ruby […] Read more..

SketchUp Ruby Code Editor updated to v. 4.3

As part of my recent effort to update all my SketchUp extensions, I also went through the lines of code that make up my Ruby Code Editor extension and gave it an overhaul. Besides some bug fixes, there are also new features that I will be highlighting in this post. You can also watch an […] Read more..

Sketchfab Uploader now allows for re-uploading

I just updated my Sketchfab Uploader extension for SketchUp to version 2.5.1. This comes with several smaller fixes but one big change: Now you can re-upload models, and any changes you make in Sketchfab’s 3D editor (e.g. to materials, lights, the rendering environment, etc.) are preserved. Also, models are now uploaded as draft (and not […] Read more..

SketchUp Ruby Code Editor 4.0 is now available!

My SketchUp extension Ruby Code Editor held a top spot on my to-do list for quite a while… until now. I finally got around to giving the code a major overhaul and can now proudly announce that version 4.0 has just been released. If you are a seasoned coder or a newbie just wanting to […] Read more..

Support Hillary with a Website Bumper Sticker

You have put a yard sign up, you have plastered your car with cool bumper stickers, you may even have bought the woman card. Now what? Well, if you have a blog or website then you should be able to show your support there, too. Introducing: The website bumper sticker! As my friends already know, […] Read more..