Dear friends and colleagues, I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyous holiday season, a Merry Christmas, and a healthy, happy, and successful new year 2021! After the current year turned out a bit differently than everyone expected, there is certainly much hope and some certainty that next year will be better […] Read more..
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Just Added Features and Squashed Bugs
I just updated three of my most popular SketchUp extensions: Scale By (Image/Attractors/Equation) Tools, Random Tools, and Unwrap and Flatten Faces. Beyond squashing a handful of bugs, these are the most important new features: Scale By (Image/Attractors/Equation) Tools now lets you transform objects by proximity to other objects (“attractors”). Not sure what this means? Check […] Read more..
My Second New Extension This Week: Scale By Tools
My second new SketchUp extension that is being released this week also combines various Ruby Scripts that I had laying around or that were in my book, Architectural Design with SketchUp. It makes those more accessible to everyone and should lead to some really beautiful designs. This time the extension has to do with transforming […] Read more..
My New SketchUp Extension is Out: Random Tools
Ever wanted to place large swaths of randomly-arranged grass in SketchUp as shown in the image above? Have you been frustrated by textures that repeat a bit too much on copied wood boards? Do I have an extension for you… I just released a new extension, Random Tools, which is a combination of various Ruby […] Read more..
Creating better in-text ads with jQuery
I have placed ads on my sites in various ways (and locations) now. With all those attempts, I tried to avoid overly intrusive ads and wanted to always clearly mark an ad as such. What I have currently implemented actually fulfills that nicely in my view. My ads follow these principles: Ad areas are underlayed […] Read more..
SketchUp Ruby Code Editor updated to v. 4.3
As part of my recent effort to update all my SketchUp extensions, I also went through the lines of code that make up my Ruby Code Editor extension and gave it an overhaul. Besides some bug fixes, there are also new features that I will be highlighting in this post. You can also watch an […] Read more..
My SketchUp extensions are once again up to date
Those of you that are already using my SketchUp extensions most likely recently received an automatic notification within SketchUp that all of them are ready for an update. This happened because I finally got around to fixing a few small but nagging errors and adding some features. The images below give an idea of the […] Read more..