Trimble announces the SketchUp Visiting Professionals Program for Higher Education

Trimble just announced an exciting program where universities can invite a SketchUp expert for free for a one-day visit. This program allows students to learn from professionals in the field and hear what SketchUp book authors have to say. So if you are at a university, consider inviting any one of us to drop by […] Read more..

SketchUp 2013 is out!

Anticipated by many and announced last year at 3D Basecamp, SketchUp 2013 is now out and available for download. If you are still using SU 8 (or dare I say even 7 or 6), swing over to their website and download the latest version. The free version is still free and there are upgrade options for […] Read more..

Read your SketchUp news right inside SketchUp

Have you ever wanted to… make sure you never miss a blog post by the Trimble SketchUp folks? stay up-do-date with your favorite SketchUp blogs? follow what’s going on at SketchUcation? keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook? make sure you never miss any of my blog posts? do all of this while you are […] Read more..

Ruby Code Editor updated to version 3.0

I finally got around to updating my Ruby Code Editor to version 3.0. There are quite a few upgrades including: better environment stability (editor, scrolling, results, etc.), code completion for SketchUp classes and methods and a variety of other minor updates (including the fact that it now remembers the last file). The following video gives a […] Read more..

Improve your WebGL models on Sketchfab with the new material editor

As I mentioned before on this site, Sketchfab is a great way to share your 3D models – for example using my SketchUp uploader plugin. One thing that was happening with SketchUp models in particular, however, was that they usually looked very “flat” on the Sketchfab website. Materials typically have a rather dull appearance and transparent […] Read more..

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2013!

I sincerely hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. Enjoy your holidays (whatever you celebrate and wherever you are) and any time off that you can spend with your family. I wish you all a successful new year and all the best for your future endeavors. It remains to be seen whether politicians […] Read more..

Sketchfab uploader plugin updated to v.1.4

[sketchfab id=”9UlsCfk5yh11kDMfLSM1nUfRCsY” start=”0″ spin=”0.3″ controls=”0″] I just updated the Sketchfab uploader plugin for SketchUp to v.1.4. You can now set your model on upload as private and assign a password (as long as you at least have a PRO account). It also sports a shiny new image. The full list of changes is: Support for […] Read more..