This page features a list of all of my current extensions for the SketchUp design software.

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You can find many of my projects here (with the most recent on top). These tend to be larger projects. I usually post smaller projects (and news) in my blog under the respective categories.
Following is an index of my Projects pages (tagged sketchup plugins-extensions) on this site.
This page features a list of all of my current extensions for the SketchUp design software.
This tool uses OpenAI’s (ChatGPT) AI services to create or manipulate geometry in SketchUp, write Ruby code, or analyze SketchUp models, all using natural language
This extension contains a set of tools to scale / move / rotate several objects / faces / vertices based on an image, attractors, or a mathematical formula (power or sine / cosine). Many parameters are available to tailor each tool to achieve a specific solution.
This extension contains a set of tools to randomize various things in a SketchUp Model, such as: Object placement, rotation, scale, face extrusion, vertex locations, textures. Also allows to place objects randomly on faces or on edges (with scale, rotation, and orientation variations) and to swap or erase objects randomly.
This extension adds a toolbar (and some menu items) that lets you easily place several common 3D shapes (geometric primitives). While SketchUp’s native toolset allows you to create any of these shapes without too much effort, using this toolbar permits quick “solids-based” modeling where you only work with added and subtracted primitives to end up with a perfectly watertight object that poses no problems for 3D printing, for example.
This extension allows the user to do three things: Unwraps non-coplanar faces (any shape objects, shells etc.) using an automatic (randomized) algorithm and then lays the resulting set of faces flat on the ground. This is done without creating any distortions. Lays any arbitrarily-oriented face or collection of coplanar faces flat on the ground (without distortion). Use e.g. in combination with a manual unfold tool or to make sure faces are perfectly horizontal. Projects a set of faces to one of the three main planes by smashing all faces flat. This creates distortions, of course.
This small extension adds a news browser to the SketchUp Help menu. Now you can follow news and tutorial blog posts but also tweets as well as forum discussions all in one place – without even leaving SketchUp! Clicking a link will get you to the original article (on the source website).
This extension adds a menu item “Upload to Sketchfab” to the File menu in SketchUp. After uploading your model, you can edit parameters and materials, grab a thumbnail or adjust the default view on the Sketchfab website.
This code editor extension offers an easy-to-use and visually appealing way to write and modify Ruby scripts directly within SketchUp. These scripts can then be used to create geometry, add functionality or add data within the SketchUp 3D modeling environment. The SketchUp Ruby API provides an extensive set of functions to automatize SketchUp in many ways or create scripted, computational geometry.
This SketchUp extension was created out of a need for having extensions available in a “locked down” computer lab setting (similar to my solution for AutoCAD). It also provides an easy way to use extensions in SketchUp without having to install them – therefore making SketchUp start (and possibly run) faster. In addition, you can use this tool to run any external ruby code (e.g. for development purposes).
A little while ago, I had a need for calculating centroids for planar shapes in SketchUp. To be more exact, my students had the need since I gave them an assignment that required this. Not knowing of a plugin for SketchUp that would accomplish this feat, they did it in Rhino or AutoCAD instead.
To rid SketchUp of this shortcoming, I decided to re-use some old Pascal code of mine and try my hand at writing a plugin for this. Here is the result.