To my readers, friends and colleagues: I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyous holiday season, a Merry Christmas (to those that celebrate it), and a healthy, happy, and successful new year 2022! Cheers, Alex P.S.: As usual, I modeled everything in this image and the animation in SketchUp (except for some […] Read more..
Tag: video
Second edition of “Architectural Design with SketchUp” is now available!
I am very excited to be announcing the release of the second edition of my book “Architectural Design with SketchUp” today! For this edition, I went back through the text and updated and improved a lot of content. As before, my main goal was to keep it relevant for as large a variety of SketchUp users as possible and […] Read more..
Videos of the October Snowstorm
I finally got around to downloading the raw image data from a webcam that I installed in the backyard. My original plan was that I could assemble them into a time-lapse video all the way through the snowstorm. As it turned out, we lost power for two days and – for two more days – […] Read more..
Rendering in SketchUp – a Video Overview
Interior perspective by senorjerome, on Flickr (CC) I meant to create a concise visual comparison of all available rendering software for SketchUp for quite a while now. To keep things organized I only added one video per software as well as links to the manufacturer’s websites and the current (February 2011) published cost. All prices are […] Read more..
The Third & the Seventh
This video is a beautiful homage to some architectural classics and is simply amazing if you appreciate the amount of effort that goes into CG rendering – the majority of this film is CG (using 3ds max and VRay and apparently a little bit of SketchUp). Here’s my best advice: Instead of clicking the video […] Read more..
“Building a 3D World” – Using SketchUp for Presentations
So far I have used SketchUp for a lot of things, but a 50-minute presentation wasn’t among those. Besides, one of the big no-no’s for “classic” Powerpoint presentations is having too much happen on-screen (flying-in arrows and the like). Given the dynamic 3D interface of SketchUp I was curious if flying around inside its space […] Read more..