Perfecting the SketchUp to LayOut workflow just got easier

Arguably the most important feature in the Pro version of SketchUp has been the included documentation software, LayOut. While SketchUp itself is great for modeling and “inline” documentation (dimensions and floating leader text), once you need to properly document your work on a sheet of paper with a textblock around it, you are hitting a […] Read more..

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2014!

While Santa is getting settled in his new abode (looks like there is still some construction to do), it is time for me to wish you all wonderful holidays, a relaxing time with your family and friends and all the best for the new year! I hope to meet you, see you, email you or […] Read more..

SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2014 Announced!

The annual SketchUp user conference has just been announced by Trimble for 2014. It will be: In Vail, CO During skiing season Amazing!!! For more on this, check out their announcement. Registration opens in November. Official SketchUp Blog: Announcing SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2014

You can now use SketchUp with Allen/Iano’s Fundamentals of Building Construction book

When it comes to learning construction methods and systems (and, of course, the related materials), it is crucial for a student to understand how things fit together. Every construction system is an assembly of subparts (e.g. beams, bolts, decking) and often a layering based on various functional requirements (e.g. air barrier, insulation, structural sheathing,…). This […] Read more..

WebGL works again on Android 4.3! Yay!

In case you heard me complain on Google+ about the fact that I apparently am last in queue for Google’s mysteriously-timed Android updates: I finally got it (on my Nexus 4)! Yay! As you may know, one of the improvements in Android 4.3 is better WebGL support. So one of the first things I did […] Read more..

Trimble announces the SketchUp Visiting Professionals Program for Higher Education

Trimble just announced an exciting program where universities can invite a SketchUp expert for free for a one-day visit. This program allows students to learn from professionals in the field and hear what SketchUp book authors have to say. So if you are at a university, consider inviting any one of us to drop by […] Read more..

SketchUp 2013 is out!

Anticipated by many and announced last year at 3D Basecamp, SketchUp 2013 is now out and available for download. If you are still using SU 8 (or dare I say even 7 or 6), swing over to their website and download the latest version. The free version is still free and there are upgrade options for […] Read more..