Placemarks from KML

Creating a KML file from MySQL data with PHP

I recently had a need for a PHP script that queries a MySQL database for location-based point data (a LatLong coordinate and some descriptive information) and then creates a KML-file from that data on the fly. A file like this can then easily be loaded into Google Maps, Google Earth and other geospatial applications. In […] Read more..


How to move your old static HTML website to WordPress (or just start a new one)

I frequently get asked how to set up a small-ish CMS-driven (CMS = Content Management System) website for research groups or other entities. Many of these people have learned that maintaining a static website the “old-fashioned way” (e.g. using Dreamweaver) presents a variety of problems – mainly related to inconsistent content or collaborative editing problems. These issues […] Read more..

Wordpress post revisions

My WordPress Post Revisions Problem

While many functions in WordPress (the self-hosted kind) work like a charm, this one gave me the run-around a few days ago: The auto-saving post revisions that got added to WordPress a few releases back. On our departmental website ( that I created in WordPress (works great for this purpose, it’s the “Just-enough CMS!”) we […] Read more..