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Even though snow has largely spared our area of Massachusetts this winter, a little bit of extra greenery was needed in the house. A trip to Michael’s and a good amount of hot-melt-glue later, this is what resulted: A wall-hanging pseudo-green-wall! Looks quite nice and best of all – I don’t have to water it.
One of these old macs was standing around in our hallway at the office – waiting for its trip to the dump. So I rescued it, gave it a fresh coat of paint and decided it was time to green things up a little. Here’s the process: No real Ivy was hurt in the making […] Read more..
A standard has finally been approved for CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber), a new structural wood product that can be used either as a wall or as a slab. From the APA press release: ANSI/APA PRG 320-2011 Standard for Performance-Rated Cross-Laminated Timber, a new standard for cross-laminated timber (CLT), was approved for publication last month by by […] Read more..
Now that the holidays are almost here… I wish you all a joyful and peaceful time. Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate, enjoy time with your family, rest, relax, take some time off and recharge. All the best for the new year. See you in 2012!
Great promotional video on why using wood is indeed good for the environment: (via Go Wood)
If you are using SketchUp, then it’s time for you to soon browse over to Google’s website and download the latest version (v.8 M2). Although this release is not a new version but rather a maintenance release (hence the “M2”), there are a few new features and a bunch of bugfixes. So what’s new and […] Read more..
Admittedly this is a bit of a strange question to ask. However, when you are considering using wood products in your buildings, this question might come up in discussions – especially when clients think about resource depletion issues. As it turns out, the entire amount of wood required for a 50,000 s.f. hotel in the […] Read more..