More Greenery in the House

Even though snow has largely spared our area of Massachusetts this winter, a little bit of extra greenery was needed in the house. A trip to Michael’s and a good amount of hot-melt-glue later, this is what resulted: A wall-hanging pseudo-green-wall! Looks quite nice and best of all – I don’t have to water it.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012!

Now that the holidays are almost here… I wish you all a joyful and peaceful time. Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate, enjoy time with your family, rest, relax, take some time off and recharge. All the best for the new year. See you in 2012!

Videos of the October Snowstorm

I finally got around to downloading the raw image data from a webcam that I installed in the backyard. My original plan was that I could assemble them into a time-lapse video all the way through the snowstorm. As it turned out, we lost power for two days and – for two more days – […] Read more..

The beauty of the snowstorm

The recent snowstorm was not just about downed trees, power outages and other minor or major inconveniences. It also created quite beautiful landscapes. Here’s my selection of some of my images/paintings showing local scenes. If you want any of these as prints, feel free to go to my gallery on Imagekind.