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I must somehow have overlooked this one. Apparently since last fall, Canadian Wood Council’s Wood Design & Building magazine has been posting their issues online using a free web-based viewer. If you don’t know this magazine yet – it is a beautifully presented resource for North American wood design and architecture that gets published approximately four […] Read more..
Chirp, chirp… While I was figuring out how to make best use of all things Web 2.0, I found that Twitter is a great way for me to broadcast quick news items related to my blog’s topics (AEC-CAD, timber engineering, design and web stuff). So whenever something is too short for a blog post but […] Read more..
Just after I posted about the current wood awards, the Canadian Wood Council came out with a book showcasing winners from the 2008-09 season. These books are always a beautiful reference and source for many inspirations. If you want to get one, follow this link. I have also been told that students get a 40% […] Read more..
Awarded Admittedly, award ceremonies come around at all times during the year, but two of the recent and notable awards for wood building and architecture were the UK Wood Design Awards (October 2009) and the Ontario Wood Awards (November 2009, also written up here). Of all the amazing buildings (and furniture) that have received an […] Read more..
This note is a bit last minute but if you have time tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 7/14) at 11:00 am EDT, then you can watch the largest wooden building shake-table test live via webcast. This building, which consists of a steel story plus six platform-framed wood stories, will be subjected to a nasty (50% increased magnitude) […] Read more..
On May 26th, the Swiss wood awards were given out. After the German awards a few weeks ago, these awards highlight more reasons for building with wood such as the custom cut wood slab that transforms into undulating plates (shown above). More on holzpreis-schweiz.ch.
The German wood awards have just been given to a variety of projects that include built objects – anything from highrises to garden sheds – and new products for wood construction. The first prize went to an amazing object: A seven story apartment building in Berlin whose structure consists of glulam columns and beams as […] Read more..