I finally got around to updating this year’s timber engineering and wood design related conferences. You can find the list here. If you want to submit any aditional conferences, please use the comment form at the bottom of the page.
Category: Timber Engineering
Posts related to the beauty of designing and building with wood: Wood architecture, timber engineering, art, wood in history, etc.

Nice match: Carbon neutral design with Revit and GBS!
Greenbuildingstudio.com, the green-design web-extension for your cad software online service has just announced their third overhaul (i.e. v. 3.0). With more and more architecture and engineering offices embracing parametric building design (catchword: BIM = “Building Information Modeling”), this is a great tool to run a quick industry-standard (DOE-2) energy check on a virtual building and […] Read more..

I build with wood, don’t you?
If you are interested in learning more about innovative wood structures, environmental aspects of building with wood and general wood design, come to our symposium at UMass in November (1st-2nd). We at BMATWT are organizing this annual conference for the first time and are excited about a great international lineup of speakers. AIA/CES credits will […] Read more..

Traces of Time
Carpenters’ and others’ marks at a gate at the Marksburg castle, Germany.
Put some Carbon Dioxide into your Baby’s Crib
Now what kind of a suggestion is that?!? A good one, trust me. It all comes down to global warming and reducing greenhouse gases. Some background first: When a tree grows, carbon dioxide is processed in the good-old elementary school photosynthesis and stored in the wood as Carbon (while releasing yummy oxygen as a by-product). […] Read more..
Digitized Construction
A team from the ETH university library in Switzerland has digitized what they call the “Construction Memory of Switzerland” (“Baugedächtnis Schweiz Online” bzw. “Mémoire du bâti en Suisse online”) – essentially two architecture and engineering magazines: tec21 and Tracés.
And the German winners are…
It’s award season (or rather trade fair season, which usually brings along some awards). Following up on my posting of the link to the North American Wood Design Award winners, here is now the result of the German Wood Design Awards. Although everything on the web page of the Deutscher Holzbaupreis 2007 is in German, […] Read more..