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Some of my students recently finished building a “severely overdesigned” wood-concrete composite bench that serves as a mockup for the floor system in our new building at UMass. You can read all about it (and check out the photo gallery) here: http://bct.eco.umass.edu/news/building-a-wood-concrete-floor-mockup-bench/
[sketchfab id=”xuRi1rQTziz4iJqDkjayjOaXq86″ start=”0″ spin=”” controls=”1″] I just came across this amazing 3D model of a round barn by Mike Beganyi, a timber framer and SketchUp modeler from Vermont. I know, it’s two years old, but check it out – and do it full-screen! It is such a great example of beautiful timberframing, excellent SketchUp modeling, and […] Read more..
I am trying something new: From now on, whenever I come across an interesting publication, I’ll post a link to my blog. Abstract Comparability of life cycle assessment (LCA) results based on different background data has long been debated. This is one of the main issues in building LCAs since buildings are complex products, which […] Read more..
A recently-published report entitled “Summary Report: Survey of International Tall Wood Buildings” investigates various aspects related to the feasibility of tall wood buildings. This report, published by Forest Innovation Investment and the Bilateral Softwood Lumber Council, summarizes findings from surveys and interviews with key personnel involved in the creation of ten worldwide buildings, all of which are […] Read more..
Yesterday was the opening of the exhibit “Urban Timber: From Seed to City” at the BSA Space of the Boston Society of Architects. Located close to Boston’s waterfront, this exhibit runs through the end of September 2014. So if you are in the area, don’t forget to drop by and check it out. I was […] Read more..
While Santa is getting settled in his new abode (looks like there is still some construction to do), it is time for me to wish you all wonderful holidays, a relaxing time with your family and friends and all the best for the new year! I hope to meet you, see you, email you or […] Read more..
When it comes to learning construction methods and systems (and, of course, the related materials), it is crucial for a student to understand how things fit together. Every construction system is an assembly of subparts (e.g. beams, bolts, decking) and often a layering based on various functional requirements (e.g. air barrier, insulation, structural sheathing,…). This […] Read more..