I like working with cheatsheets when I do coding. Although the online API reference is very extensive and has great examples and the downloadable version is a good solution when you’re offline, this one may be useful as a reference once you mastered the basic concepts. It contains the full API reference in a condensed form. It also has a plugin template and some code snippets. Feel free to suggest improvements and additions for future versions.
You can download the PDF file here:
Other useful Ruby cheatsheets and helpers are:
- SketchUcation – Ruby forum (look for the sticky posts for general helpers)
- Notepad++ autocomplete files – also from SCF
- SketchUp Ruby Code Editor – my code editor for SketchUp
- Jim’s WebConsole – a coding helper in SketchUp
- Ruby cheatsheets: here, here, here
Below is an older version of the cheatsheet. It lists only the API classes and methods line-by-line and prints on five pages.