You can find many of my projects here (with the most recent on top). These tend to be larger projects. I usually post smaller projects (and news) in my blog under the respective categories.

Projects Index

Following is an index of my Projects pages on this site.

Single-plate shear bolt test

Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of Slender Dowel-Type Fasteners in Wood-Steel-Wood Connections

The objective of this study was to investigate the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of different kinds of slender dowel-type fasteners. To accomplish this, four types of fasteners were tested in a series of 73 monotonic and cyclic tests. All tests used either one or two slotted-in steel plates in PARALLAM®, a Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL) product.

Genetic Algorithm Optimization for MS Excel

This program allows the user to take an Excel spreadsheet with any type of calculation data (no matter how complex) and optimize a calculation outcome (e.g. total cost) using a Genetic Algorithm approach. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are based on biological principles of evolution and provide an interesting alternative to “classic” gradient-based optimization methods.