My most recent images can always be found on Flickr. But there’s more. You can also view my photography on these sites:

  • Instagram – My on-the-road pix
  • 500px – A more selective selection
  • shop [as] – You can buy photo books and individual prints of my images here

The galleries below are a cross-section of my photography (ordered by date taken). I am always adding more, so check back frequently.

Photography Index

Following is an index of my Photography pages on this site.

Sunset at Mount Royal

Montréal (2023)

We spent quite a bit of time this year in Montréal (as part of a sabbatical, plus several other trips) where we were treated to a good amount of real snow, great food, and an amazing arts scene. The images on this page illustrate some of that.

Germany (2019)

This Gallery shows images from the Germany portion of our summer travels (which also included Paris). We were there for one week and caught up on family visits, food cravings, Tchibo, and a bunch of other things…

Paris (2019)

This gallery shows some of the images from our Trip to Paris (and Germany) this summer. Although this was just a set of two very short visits, we managed to pack a lot in, including being in Paris during the hottest day ever (so far).

Massachusetts (2018)

This gallery contains images from our various trips around Massachusetts this year, including several trips to Boston and around the Pioneer Valley. You can find the originals and more in the following albums on Flickr: Green River Festival, Boston.